Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Baby Joren is Here

Baby Joren Eugene Grimstad (baby #6) arrived on 6/27 @ 5:49pm, he weighed in at 11lbs, 14oz and was 23 inches long a big boy.  Momma and baby are doing great.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


We are not perfect, but we are called to be Christ-like.

This is the conundrum of being Christian:
We are all sinners, Christ forgives us and calls us to do better, and loves us no matter what.  However, we cannot settle for where we are at.  So we must acknowledge our sinfulness accept that we fall but not give into staying fallen.  It is a battle between extremes: IF we strive for perfection on our own we will fail and dispair, if we settle for ourselves being fallen and not strive for more then we have given up.  We are called to a middle road of accepting our frailties and faults and Having God fill us with his perfection, for we are not enough, and cannot expect to be enough on our own.  But how do we find the middle road of accepting both our faults and God's grace.